I know, I know, I’ve been a slack blogger…

But I have reasons!!! I need to DO ALL THE THINGS!

I need to build my farm…. LOOK AT THAT PUMPKIN FINIA!!!

And not to mention….

I need to get me a MONKEY MAGIC mount!!!

As well as…

Falling into the big empty...

Falling into the big empty…

And den?

Some killingz of zee Horde!


Raid time – strike a pose and – FREEZE!


Yag found a seashell by the seashore… All kinds of wrong!

I plan on getting back into things full-time soon, but with all the rep grinding and gearing and raiding we’re doing, it might be a bit sporadic for a while. I’m loving MoP so far, and hope you are too!!




Blog Azeroth shared topic < What spell would I most want?

This week’s Blog Azeroth shared topic came from Arvash, and was a no brainer for me. With Mists almost upon us, so too comes potentially the most awesome druid ability ever – Symbiosis.

So, what spell would I most want as a feral kitty? Feral Spirit, of course!

Is that you, Brey? Oh no, it’s just your wolves I STOLED FROM CHOO!

There’s something about the idea of having a couple of dog minions running around ripping shit up on my behalf that I find… well… strangely satisfying, and rather funny. Imagine how hilarious it would be to pop Feral Spirit and my new home boys, the treants at the same time?

Talk about a posse! (Diablo Witch Doctor, anyone?)

While I have been too lazy to level to 90 on beta (mostly because I didn’t want to ruin the questing for myself), my research shows that Feral Spirit acts as a mage’s mirror images do – a weaker version of the real thing. Regardless of it’s viability (or lack thereof) on live, it’s still something that excites me!

How about you? What spell would you most want if you had the choice?

Warrior dies, untamedhellcat hits 86401.3 dps?!


Give it up for Ferocious Bite! *cheer, roar – the crowd goes wild!*

I ‘should’ feel bad for screen shotting this H DS parse, as the numbers are ‘average’ in comparison to pre-5.0.4 numbers, but hey – our warrior was dead (PERHAPS due to the fact my DBM wasn’t working ‘properly’ and I managed to kill our bare tank when dispelled *insert evil face and standing on top of tank here*, which then killed Elvs thanks to being second on threat…) and there was no res available after ressing said tank (too bad, so sad), but that Ferocious Bite still has some serious kick!

No, it wasn’t sustained, and yes, it was just before the boss died, but you know what?


Bring on MoP and big yummy numbers!!!

Oh yes, yes I do…

That ‘other’ durid has a legendary by the way…. *cough*

The day a ‘careless whisper’ turned into a new friendship

I had the most amazing experience today of my short blogging life! I was whiling away the hours of my Sunday, playing my baby warlock (who has only just hit 85), when I got a ‘careless whisper’ from a baby mage ‘Miniices’ that started the following conversation:

Miniices: ‘hi there 🙂 I was wondering if I could ask a question about one of your guildies?’

Me: ‘sure?’

Miniices: ‘I was REALLY slow 🙂 I was looking for Arkham. Did he log on to another alt? Or did he just go offline?’

Me: ‘lol no he’s offline – why?’

Miniices: ‘ he was there one sec ago >.< damn :)’

Me: ‘Can I help?’

Miniices: ‘lol I’m a fan of his. Well, his blog.’

Me: ‘o.o from his blog? aaah’

At this point, I had a ‘gut feeling’ about who this could possibly be, as the person she was talking about was Mortigen, one of our long-standing officers and author of Typhoon Andrew’s – Eye of the Storm, a great blog with a history that goes back to 2006. I won’t ruin it for you just yet though, as the conversation continued…

Me: ‘well he’s just logged on to another toon, so whisper Diamon’

Miniice: ‘please don’t tell him – I want it to be a surprise!’

Me: ‘no probs.’

Some time passes, and I asked Mort if my hunch was correct in guild chat. I took it by his silence that he was rather distracted with his new ‘friend’, but he had said ‘this is awesome’ so I then whispered her saying:

Me: ‘Mort is quite chuffed’

Miniices: ‘really? I’m so glad!’

This is where it got AMAZING.

Me: ‘Are you Navi?’

Her initial reaction to this was ‘I’m good ty’ and then it clicked for her.

Miniice: ‘oh! You know who I am!!!’

It was NONE OTHER than the wonderful and sweet Navimie, of The Daily Frostwolf!!!!

Now I must admit, I immediately had chills down my spine, as I’m a long-term lurker on her blog, and had only just read about a horrible experience she’d had a few weeks back when trying to contact another of her blogging heroes for Navispam on another server (which I won’t go into, but suffice it to say I ‘almost’ did something I’ve never done before, which is to stand up for a total stranger on the internet! You can read all about it here at the Big Bear Butt – he was one angry bear, who wasn’t scared to call out the asshat involved!)

So I played it all cool, but I had a massive smile on my face as I told her I read her blog regularly, to which her response was ‘NO WAY!!! I’m all starstruck now! Well I must get a shot with you as well!!’

I got onto my druid main and met her and Mort for some screenies in Stormwind, then we went and met her on her Nagrand Horde toon Navimie in Shattrath for further ‘close-ups’ with yet another great blogger, Dragonray of Azerothian Life.

I honestly felt like all my christmases had come at once! A new blogger, meeting two of her own heroes on a lazy Sunday!

Navi switched back to her Ally mage, and we had a long and lovely conversation about all kinds of things, and realised we’re very similar-minded! I invited her to hit me up any time if she wanted to join our guild on her little baby mage, explaining it would be an honour to have her.

Her response?

‘I feel honoured!’

And thus, a new friendship was born.

If ever you happen to come across Navi on her travels, you’ll find out for yourself what an enthusiastic and amazing chick she is. I tip my hat to you Miss Navi, and look forward to chatting with you again next time you’re in Nagrand’s neighbourhood 🙂

Ultimate honour – Dragonray, Navimie and Mort all in the same place!

(oh, and I’ll update with a proper screenshot once I get hold of one – in my excitement I forgot to take one!)

Fairy cattle dance form!!!

“The Insular Celts held deer as supernatural animals, “fairy cattle” that were herded and milked by a localised and benevolent fairy giantess (a bean sìdhe) in each district, who could shift shape to that of a deer.”

My Irish blood is part of the reason I was first drawn to a druid in Warcraft, as I have always had an unexplainable connection with Celtic folklore and the Druidic tradition.

And so it goes… Stags doing an Irish jig!

Dunno about the music WOW Insider decided to add to the preview, but hey…

You have to hand it to Blizzard – regardless of the ‘questionable’ quality of life changes they’re making to druids in MoP, the cosmetic changes are… just. FREAKING. Awesome.

Can anyone say Free Willy?

Free Willy!

Additionally, my *ahem* age shows when I see the form below and can’t help thinking of He-Man and his trusty Battlecat!

Battlecat – RAWR