Blog Azeroth shared topic < What spell would I most want?

This week’s Blog Azeroth shared topic came from Arvash, and was a no brainer for me. With Mists almost upon us, so too comes potentially the most awesome druid ability ever – Symbiosis.

So, what spell would I most want as a feral kitty? Feral Spirit, of course!

Is that you, Brey? Oh no, it’s just your wolves I STOLED FROM CHOO!

There’s something about the idea of having a couple of dog minions running around ripping shit up on my behalf that I find… well… strangely satisfying, and rather funny. Imagine how hilarious it would be to pop Feral Spirit and my new home boys, the treants at the same time?

Talk about a posse! (Diablo Witch Doctor, anyone?)

While I have been too lazy to level to 90 on beta (mostly because I didn’t want to ruin the questing for myself), my research shows that Feral Spirit acts as a mage’s mirror images do – a weaker version of the real thing. Regardless of it’s viability (or lack thereof) on live, it’s still something that excites me!

How about you? What spell would you most want if you had the choice?

Warrior dies, untamedhellcat hits 86401.3 dps?!


Give it up for Ferocious Bite! *cheer, roar – the crowd goes wild!*

I ‘should’ feel bad for screen shotting this H DS parse, as the numbers are ‘average’ in comparison to pre-5.0.4 numbers, but hey – our warrior was dead (PERHAPS due to the fact my DBM wasn’t working ‘properly’ and I managed to kill our bare tank when dispelled *insert evil face and standing on top of tank here*, which then killed Elvs thanks to being second on threat…) and there was no res available after ressing said tank (too bad, so sad), but that Ferocious Bite still has some serious kick!

No, it wasn’t sustained, and yes, it was just before the boss died, but you know what?


Bring on MoP and big yummy numbers!!!

Oh yes, yes I do…

That ‘other’ durid has a legendary by the way…. *cough*

An open letter to the Blizz RNG loot gnomes

No loot makes for one sad kitty šŸ˜¦

Dear Blizz,

I really feel like doing it right now – alt+Q+Q. After 26 weeks of raiding/clearing Dragon Soul every week, on both normal and now mostly heroic, you just refuse to give me or my rogue melee buddy a break. I think you KNOW what I’m talking about – Vial of Shadows and Seal of Primordial Shadows.

I’ve run LFR TWENTY EIGHT TIMES (which should demonstrate my dedication to that extra bit of dps without saying anything about the levels of insanity actual raiders experience in that environment – /wrists) , and the trinket has dropped ONCE, only to go to a bottom dwelling enhance shaman. Never seen the ring – ever. Looking at the math (not my strong point) I see that I have at least killed the first 5 bosses in DS on all difficulties 50+ times. And trinket seen – ONCE – in LFR. I have begun to wonder what the point is in continuing, especially with MoP just around the corner, where we’re forced to vendor all our hard-earned heroic gear to replace them with quest greens.

Now Blizz, we haven’t killed Spine or Madness on heroic yet, and heroic tier gear has, for the most part, been warrior/shaman/hunter tokens (GG loot gnomes >.<) which has seriously hindered our ability to gear the team evenly for these later bosses… problem is, up until recently we were running with only one of those three classes regularly, so our resto shaman has pretty much completed all 3 shaman spec HEROIC tier sets, while the rest of us drink ourselves into oblivion to numb the pain, and the lack of token drops for other classes (we often run with 3 druids, a rogue, a mage, 2 priests, a shammy, a paladinĀ  – getting my drift? Doing the numbers? Yes, that’s half a raid team sharing the same tokens THAT NEVER DROP!!!) makes it rather difficult to progress without the accompanying output increases that come from upgrades. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not loot whores, but seriously – enough is enough.

Putting best in slot, key items on a global loot table is total retardation. Giving them an average 1% drop rate is even more insane. I mean, we didn’t even see Wrath of Unchaining drop until we were well into heroic modes on the first 5 bosses, and that’s a 30% drop chance!!! Now that bloody thing drops regularly, and often goes to DE.

And Blizz, don’t even get me started on mounts…. not one. mount. ever. In all tiers of cataclysm. It’s enough to make baby jesus cry.