Single healing Ultraxion

One of our guildies, Raziel, went into LFR last night after raid, and I was on vent with him as he zoned in. He was quiet for a while, but then all of a sudden piped up with some rather colourful invective about the group he was in. A shaman healer from Frostmourne (our favourite server for the proving of GIFT – aka Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory) had actually PAID the other four healers not to heal (who were also Frostmourne players), so he could solo heal it in order to get a top WOL ranking.


While his HPS were impressive at apparently between 73k – 98k, he still wiped the raid – TWICE.

Now don’t get me wrong – I’m all for people pushing their limits, but for the LOVE OF PETE, you do that in your own guild’s runs, not in a situation where you have 20 other strangers who just want to get their free valor points for the week, am I right? I mean, Raziel and myself decided to test our limits post Dragon Soul 5% nerf during our progression run last week on Morchok by seeing who could stay alive the longest by standing in the bad and tunnelling the boss (for the record, I died first – Raziel not long after), but we did that with our own guildies laughing at our bravado *cough* (stupidity) *cough*, and we still one-shot the boss with both of us dead, so no harm was done, and we didn’t screw anyone else over.

But I digress – the fact that this ‘shaman’ lowlife was doing it purely for WOL rankings also seems to be pure insanity – surely WOL can delineate the difference between normal and LFR runs, and if it can’t, it should. This shaman wasted 30 minutes of 20 total stranger’s time for nothing but repair cost to everyone else. Needless to say, the group decided to band together and kick the shaman – the first vote failed (due to the other healers being ‘paid’ not to heal and obviously wanting to get and/or keep their gold – my guess is that they were only going to be paid AFTERWARDS) but the second vote went through. The result? Their two other guildies in the run, plus three of the four ‘paid’ healers dropped group, and the one remaining healer pulled the boss then dropped group. GG douchebags.

I honestly can’t believe that anyone would try this in LFR, and the absolute selfishness of it dumbfounds me.

Vendor spec?!

Ye shalt always need on tokens and sell them at yon vendor…

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve seen a recurring theme in LFR from highly geared players – the newly emerging trend of ‘Vendor Spec’. The highlight of this was over the weekend, when a rogue with Golad, Twilight of Aspects and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages AKA Fangs of the Father (as well as DS heroic gear I might add) needed on every single piece of loot possible – after winning two tier tokens and being questioned by some rather upset players, he announced to the raid that he ‘needed them for vendor spec’. When someone else commented that he had every right to need for vendor, he responded with ‘finally, someone who understands’. Seriously – WTF. For a measly 5 gold, a person is willing to be the biggest asshat in the raid and ‘umadbro’ at anyone who dares to make comment on the obvious asshattery? It’s a sad state of affairs in the warcraft community.